Train up a child
in the way he should go:
and when he is old,
he will not depart from it.
A few days ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to watch this mama duck taking her ducklings from the shore out onto the Lake. The waves were rolling in and she just seemed to bob for a second with each one and then emerge on the other side. For the ducklings it was a different story altogether. They'd swim out a little ways and then a wave would wash them right back onto shore.
It was a bit comical to watch. I was videoing the event, sure I had a viral video, but unfortunately it didn't turn out. It took about 15 minutes for the gaggle to get out of range of Melinda and I who were threatening their space. We enjoyed watching the mama "get her ducks all in a row" and paddle off.
But what about my little ducks? lol They're not so little anymore! One is grown and the other as tall as I. Much of my training is in the past. But I recall an eye opening moment when my oldest was two years old. She was a big girl for the day and rode in the front seat with me (pre air bag era). I remember her telling every car on the road how to drive... "put the pedal to the medal sneed" ...."this is the road, not a driveway"...."let's move, I don't have all day"
After the humor wore off it really struck me that she was emulating me. The lesson struck home, and since that day when I see a flaw in one of my kids I take a good look in the mirror before I correct them. Showing your children how to behave is more effective than telling them. Kid's learn "what is caught" much more quickly than what is taught.
I've come to the conclusion that kids are God's little spies!
Nice post! I don't have children, but I do have a little sister who watches my every move. I've noticed my own personal habits exhibited in her--some good and some bad. It's a scary thought that someday she might end up making the same mistakes as I, simply because I didn't guard my own actions. On the other hand there are now words to describe how I felt when I realized that she reads her Bible and prays when I do and sometimes she is reading her Bible first. Thanks for sharing!!!