Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One Race, One Prize.

© 7/10 Angela Beatty

I Corinthians 9:24

Know ye not

that they which

in a race, run all

but one receiveth

the prize?

So run, that

ye may obtain.

Late yesterday evening, the kids and I went walking on a trail through the woods. After about half an hour the trail crossed a set of railroad tracks and we decided to follow the tracks back. Anita and Andrew immediately felt the oldest urge known to offspring, sibling rivalry. A race to see who could walk the tracks without falling off the longest began.

Andrew, being the youngest, was determined to keep up with his big sister, and being a boy his competitive nature took over. He took large steps and spent a great deal of time looking to see where he was in comparison with Anita. The competition was being measured in the number of railroad ties passed over. His highest score was 29.

Anita blocked everything out and totally forgot she had a little brother and her competition was with herself alone. She wanted to know how many railroad ties she could walk over whether her brother beat her or not. Her score was 575.

I think we're all affected a little bit differently by competition. In the real world, the prize is probably a trophy and recognition. But in our spiritual race, we have an eternal prize. Running with with determination to the end has a much greater importance. So what happens when "sibling rivalry" kicks in on our spiritual journey?

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