Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Speaking Shadows

II Samuel 1:18

Also he bade them teach the children...
the use of the bow...

© Angela Beatty 10/10
As I was walking this trail along Oil Creek, my shadow preceded me and I recalled a sermon I heard many years ago, "What kind of Shadow are you Casting?"  All of us leave a shadow in the lives of those close to us - sometimes even on those not so close to us.  Probably the shadows that will live the longest are those we cast on our children's lives. 

In the Scripture today, Samuel was telling the Israelites to teach the children the use of the bow.  In essence, he was commanding them to pass down the skills they had to their children.  It seems "apprenticeship" is a thing of the past.  No longer do we see generations of tradesmen who grew up under the tutorage of a father, grandfather, or uncle.  The sad thing is that along with skill, we teach character and build relationships when we invest that much time in helping someone develop a skill.

I wonder what skills I have that I've neglected to take the time to teach my own children.... When I'm gone, will the shadow I leave in their lives be short-lived?  Or will I leave my children with values and skills that will stay with them all their lives, values and skills that they in turn will pass on to their children? 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the thought provoking, soul searching blogs!
